Review - We Live Next Door by Laura Wolfe

I received a free review copy from NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

We Live Next Door is a thriller that pleasantly surprised me. It tells the story of Jessica, a wife and mother, who has moved back into her childhood home. Now one of the (most hated) neighbors has died, and Jessica is suspicious, even though nobody else really seems to be. Jessica becomes borderline paranoid as she works to solve the mystery, and at times, seems slightly unhinged. But it turns out that she’s seeing some problems that everyone else is missing.

The plot of this novel was really well done. The characters were believable and the relationships complex. Jessica is mostly likeable, though sometimes a bit naïve. I had big issues with her husband Mark. I won’t give anything away by telling how that situation resolves, but just know that it does.

This book involves a lot of relationships and relationship issues. It’s about how we know our neighbors (and friends, and parents, and spouse) a little too well, or maybe not as well as we think we do. It also deals with domestic violence, infidelity, drug use, and of course, murder. Even though it is a murder mystery, I felt that this book was ultimately about motherhood, looking beyond outward appearances, and following your dreams.  

We Live Next Door by Laura Wolfe comes out November 5.

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