Review - Everything is Fine by Vince Granata

I received a free NetGalley of this book, but my opinions are all my own.

Everything is Fine tells the true story of the author’s family, his brother’s struggle with mental illness, and the tragic result. Granata is honest about his experience and what he sees as his failures. That honesty adds to the power of this book.

I love the vivid descriptions of the Granata family and their relationships. I love the complexity the author shows—nothing is simple, even in tragedy. He doesn’t try to excuse anyone’s actions or reactions, but seems determined to show the depth and complexity of his family and their story. While this book centers around an extremely violent act, I felt the true themes presented are mental illness and relationships.

The book is well written, well researched, emotional, and thought provoking. I highly recommend it.

everything is fine cover.jpg

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