Review - Things I Learned From Falling by Claire Nelson

I received a free NetGalley of this book, but my opinions are all my own.

Things I Learned From Falling tells the true story of the author’s hiking accident in Joshua Tree National Park in 2018. Nelson weaves the story of the accident and its aftermath with stories of her past, illustrating the lessons she learned from her fall.


Nelson’s account is introspective and honest. I love that she doesn’t shy away from the nitty-gritty details of mental illness, physical injuries, and logistics of surviving in a terrible situation. I found myself amazed by her determination to survive seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Her descriptions made it easy for me to put myself in her shoes and imagine how I would act in a similar situation.

Overall, I felt this book was very well written and nicely woven together. I especially loved that the book includes safety tips for hikers. I hope the published version will also include photos!

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