Review - When the Stars Go Dark by Paula McLain

I received a free NetGalley of this book, but my opinions are all my own.

When the Stars Go Dark is a mystery/thriller set in Northern California in the early ‘90s. Anna is a detective who has gone through some serious trauma (both far in her past and more recently). She finds herself heading back to her hometown of Mendocino. There she becomes involved in a missing persons investigation that leads her to confront both her past and her future.

When the Stars Go Dark Cover.jpg

 I enjoyed this book, as I enjoy most thrillers. It was suspenseful and interesting. I especially enjoyed the character development seen in Anna. The plotlines are neatly interwoven and McLain provides a real sense of place through her vivid descriptions.

I couldn’t give the book five stars because I solved the mystery before it came out in the book, so I wasn’t surprised. However, the mystery of Anna’s recent past was more surprising.

Overall, I enjoyed this book because of the characters and the relationships. Sensitive readers should be aware that this book involves serious issues such as sexual assault, child abuse, and murder.

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