Review - It Was An Ugly Couch Anyway by Elizabeth Passarella

I received a free advanced copy from NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

Summing It Up

It Was An Ugly Couch Anyway: And Other Thoughts on Moving Forward is a collection of essays that touch on the topics of parenting, aging, and moving forward. This was an interesting read that gives a glimpse into what it’s like to live in Manhattan with young children over the past few years.

What I Loved

I loved seeing Passarella’s struggles (and triumphs) with parenting, as well as her relationships with her parents and in-laws. I appreciated her honesty about certain aspects of aging and motherhood. I loved her perspective on parenting in Manhattan, even though it is entirely different from how she was raised in Memphis. I also loved how she embraces life and doesn’t seem to fear for herself or her kids while living in such a big city.

Perhaps because this is more of an essay collection than it is a memoir, many parts felt unresolved to me. I’m really quite curious to know what she’s going to do with the ugly upholstery she saved!

What I Didn’t Love

Going into this read, I knew nothing of Elizabeth Passarella, so I was unaware of her religious leanings. She did a great job incorporating her faith into the book without it being overwhelming, but not knowing this in advance made the first few spiritual references feel out of place.

I also felt this book was less about moving forward and more about hanging on to certain things. Based on the title, I was hoping for something more directed at major life changes, transformations, etc.

Read It!

Overall, I enjoyed It Was An Ugly Couch Anyway and would recommend it as a quick and interesting glimpse into the life of a mother in Manhattan. Passarella is funny and insightful and honest.

This book comes out on May 2, 2023.


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