Review - In Another Light by A.J. Banner

I received a free advance copy from NetGalley. All opinions are my own. 

I have read a lot of books this year. At one time, I was reading 3-4 books each week. That has significantly dropped off lately. I have found myself delving deeper into certain things, distracted by other things, and not reading as quickly.

Thriller to the rescue!

Whenever I need something to get me reading again, or to make me feel like I’ve made progress in a book, I pick up a thriller. A.J. Banner’s In Another Light fit the bill and did not disappoint. I read the entire book in one day. The story kept me turning pages and kept me up late to finish.

This book tells the story of Phoebe, a mortuary cosmetologist. The reader is introduced to her gradually—her past unfolding one step at a time. This fits well with Phoebe’s character. She seems reserved and private. She has few friends. We eventually discover the events that have led her to her current state of depression and hopelessness.

Then the mystery really sets in when a familiar face shows up at the mortuary. Phoebe’s search for answers about the mystery woman leads her on a winding path. She attempts to unravel her past and present in somewhat ill-conceived ways. Let’s be clear: she makes some awful choices. 

I felt like this was a pretty solid mystery with a great premise. It’s about secrets people keep, even from those they are closest to. It’s about family. It’s about love and trust—and forgiveness. Ultimately, it’s about Phoebe learning to move on (or not) from the tragic events of her past.

In Another Light

I did find some portions of the plot and characterization to be a bit far-fetched. Some of the coincidences were too convenient for me to believe.

In the end, this is a book I would recommend as a quick read for fans of the genre. I found Phoebe to be a believable character and I enjoyed following her story for the most part. The premise of the story was intriguing, though it possibly could have been better executed.

In Another Light is available now!

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