Review - Choose Possibility by Sukhinder Singh Cassidy

Thanks to Mariner Books for the gifted copy!

Choose Possibility: Take Risks and Thrive (Even When You Fail) was a pleasant surprise for me. It’s a book about careers, written by a business leader who has started companies, worked for giants like Google, and has been very successful. I, on the other hand, am someone who discovered her career in her mid 30s and works as a part-time freelancer. I expected this book to be dry, uninspiring, and filled with business jargon. I thought it would have very little to offer me.

I am happy to admit, I was wrong. I loved this book. I found it informative, motivating, and applicable to my life.

Sukhinder Singh Cassidy tells us her story of hard work and success. But mostly, she tells us about the risks she took throughout her professional life to get to where she is. Maybe it’s the “solidly in adulthood existential crisis” phase I am in right now that made this book appeal to me so much. Because even though I am not in a position to be choosing to be a CEO or start my own tech company like the author, I am still in a position to assess risks in my personal and professional life and learn how to take smarter risks.

That is what this book is about. The author gives great advice on how to seek new opportunities, how to keep your options open, and how to accept and learn from failures. And those are things all humans need to do, regardless of their career aspirations.

So while this is a business-oriented book, it is not only applicable to business. I found the author’s style easy to read and her stories accessible and relevant.

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Choose Possibility is available now and I highly recommend it.

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