Review - A Million Things by Emily Spurr

I received a free galley of this book through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

Trigger warning: This book deals with mental illness, child neglect, and suicide. It contains some violence and very mild language.

This is the story of 10-year old Rae, her dog Splinter, and her elderly neighbor Lettie. Through a series of upsetting events, they become friends. This is the story of mental illness, tragedy, resilience, and recovery. Those are powerful themes to view through the eyes of a child. I appreciate that Spurr faced these themes head-on. She didn’t just focus on these issues, but also on the stigma surrounding these issues. 

I loved this book. I read it in a single day and neglected much else. I loved the narration style, the characterization, and how each character in the story developed. I loved seeing the world through Rae’s eyes. I loved how real and flawed both Rae and Lettie are and how well the author helps the reader see their blind spots. I loved reading an unbelievable story and believing it was possible, even though it’s not a bright story, and I hope it never happens in real life.

I heartily recommend this book!

A Million Things.jpg

A Million Things by Emily Spurr will be available on August 24, 2021.

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