Review - Partners in Lime by Bree Baker

I received a free advanced copy through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

Mystery novels are my go-to when I’m looking for a quick read. Cozy mysteries are even better at filling these gaps in my reading. This book definitely falls into that category. It is also part of a series, and I have not read the earlier installments. I came into this book unfamiliar with the characters and setting.

Author Bree Baker does a great job of setting up character and setting in a way that catches the reader up on the series without over-explaining (for the most part). If you start with book 6 like me, you won’t feel lost at sea. The only thing I can think of that might be spoiled by reading out of order is the romantic element.

The main problem I had with characterization in this novel is the focus on the protagonist’s weight and size. Granted, many women’s thoughts focus on their body size and weight (which is a big cultural issue that I have a lot of problems with), but I felt adding those details in did nothing to help me better know the character of Everly Swan. The size of her pants has no bearing on the plot of the novel, the course of her romance, or the success of her business. It could have very easily been left out. The references left this narrative feeling a little out of touch in our current “body positive” or “health at any size” cultural movements.

That said, I enjoyed this book for the fun, quick read it is. The mystery itself was enough to keep me reading, and I enjoyed the relationships that were established throughout the book. Don’t open this book hoping for a deep, thought-provoking read. Take it for what it is and enjoy the cozy ride through the Outer Banks.

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Partners in Lime by Bree Baker will be released August 31, 2021.

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