Review - Every Last Fear by Alex Finlay

I received a free e-galley of this book from NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

Every Last Fear by Alex Finlay is a gripping thriller that kept me guessing until the end. I couldn’t wait to find out what would happen, so I read the entire novel in one day.

This book tells the story of a family torn apart. The Pine family’s lives changed forever when the eldest son Danny was convicted of murder and sent to prison. His father Evan vows to never give up trying to get his son released. But when tragedy strikes the family again, the second son Matt takes over looking for answers.

This book takes the reader from New York City, to Tulum, to Nebraska, and back again. We get pieces of the story from the perspectives of a variety of characters, and the author excels at building suspense. As I read, I felt a wide range of emotions. This one tugs at the heartstrings in addition to horrifying and surprising the reader. I highly recommend it.

(Readers should be aware that this book contains descriptions of violence, murder, and sexual assault.)


Every Last Fear by Alex Finlay is set for release on March 2, 2021.

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