Review - Modern Women by Kira Cochrane

I received a free e-galley of this book from NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

Modern Women: 52 Pioneers who changed the World by Kira Cochrane is a collection of essays highlighting the lives and careers of 52 influential women. The chapters are brief, generally 3-4 pages, and focus on how each woman influenced the world through their contributions in the world of art, literature, science, film, sports, politics, etc.

I enjoyed learning about each of the women in this book—including several I had never heard of previously. Each of these women had to overcome their circumstances in some way in order to succeed, so each essay is inspiring. I also appreciated the international scope of this book. This book even inspired me to learn more about several of the women featured.

The only complaint I have with this book is its abrupt beginning and end. The author provides no introduction or summing up. The book begins with the first essay and ends with the last. I would have liked to read about the author’s methods of selecting the featured women. I would have liked to understand how the stories were selected.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone looking to learn more about women’s history.


Modern Women: 52 Pioneers who changed the World by Kira Cochrane was first published in 2017.
This new edition is set for release on February 1, 2021.

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